For those who aren't aware, passkeys are a brand new industry standard for authentication. While passwords use a basic, human-readable secret to authenticate with websites, passkeys instead use public key encryption to authenticate, thereby avoiding leakages (like phishing!) due to the entire secret being copied into the browser to authenticate. Instead of copying passwords, passkeys use an authenticator, which is a device that stores the private keys and uses them to authenticate challenges sent by the website through mediums like WebAuthN.
Passkeys have gained a lot of support over the past year, with Apple, Google, and Microsoft all adding support for them to their various OS's. Initial website adoption has been slow but steady, with some big names (Microsoft, Ebay) adding website support for passkeys with WebAuthN. Everything seems to be lining up for passkeys to be a major new standard for user-level authentication on the web.
However, there is a core problem right now with passkeys, at least with how the initial authenticators have been built. Passkey authenticators have been based on 2FA authenticators like Yubikey, or built-in private key management chips like TPMs that are built into the laptop or phone. What this means is that passkeys, as they are currently implemented, are locked to the physical device and cannot be exported. Right now the only way to use them to authenticate is to either log in on the device itself or log in on a nearby device using a short-distance communication protocol like Bluetooth.
I think this is a major problem, and is in fact the biggest obstacle to the mass adoption of passkeys. Passkeys have the potential to completely replace passwords while also removing the possibility of phishing attacks or secrets being leaked from websites being hacked. They are a major step forward in security, but they will only end up being universal if they are also as flexible as passwords.
One major reason passwords have stuck around for so long is their flexibility and universality. You can write your passwords down, you can store them in a password manager, you can export them from that manager, you can keep them in your head, you can even write them down in a text file. Granted, not all of these things are good, secure things to do, but the fact that the user has so much control grants passwords a level of trust that is absolutely necessary for authentication. Nobody wants to be locked into a system because the authenticator they initially used turned out to be a dud. Ultimately, user control is not just a nice feature for passkeys, but a necessary feature for their adoption.
Now, companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple have eventually come to recognize this problem, and are implementing ways to export your passkeys from your device. However, even this new solution is still limiting, as their authenticators still require passkeys to be locked to a particular device, not stored and shared in a software passkey manager like passwords. Passkeys under this system are not as open and user-friendly as passwords, and that is a major drawback.
What passkeys need to be successful is an open, interoperable, and preferably open-source ecosystem where users are allowed to control their own secrets and migrate and manage them however they wish. In my opinion, the first and most important step in that is to build a passkey manager that is not tied to a hardware device and can be used as freely as a password manager. This would give the major security benefits of passkeys (such as avoiding phishing) while still giving users the control they need to trust the system.
This is what I am trying to build with Bulwark Passkey. It is an open source passkey manager that emulates a USB device, so it is compatible with all browsers. Right now it is in beta and only supported on Windows and Linux (Mac support is coming soon), but if you read this far and are interested, please check it out!